Goal variants

Goal variants

Which goal type you like?

There are two different kind of goals in Leonhart tables.

High goal(Pro)

If you want to prepare perfectly for the many DTFB/ITSF tournaments in Germany and also for events on the international stage, this goal variant is your first choice.

Many clubs use this goal variant for league matches and you can only become “German Champion” with this goal.

With these table models with a high goal, the goalkeeper stands on the goal line. You cannot pass by the goalpost.

Lower Goal (Soccer)

You have certainly come across this type of goal before. We have used the low goal in all our foosball tables for decades. This goal is still popular in pubs and social institutions.

With the low goal foosball tables, the goalkeeper stands in front of the line. You can pass by the goalpost on both sides with the goalkeeper figure.